Monday, December 31, 2012


i promised myself if i started a blog that i would be my most honest self ... the good, the bad, the ugly and the funny.  but i feel like above all else I have to make the following disclaimer ... i feel like i have to make it because you don't really know me and you're seeing the side of me that i struggle with the most.

i love my children & i love my husband and i love my life!  this is the life that i dreamt about and this is the life that i made ... with a purpose.  i would not change a thing!!


Saturday, December 29, 2012

a journey ... i feel like it's time to embark on something ... something that will lead to happiness ... a more constant happiness.  in the past few years i've struggled with this and i have come to accept that my life (that I chose) results in some happiness but also some anxiety and anger.  i would like to explore how I can really discover what makes me happy, what frustrates me and what I want out of life.  as i'm writing this it seems very overwhelming but maybe if I take it one issue at a time ... then maybe, just maybe, i'll be a little happier.