Tuesday, January 14, 2014

fun with wacky holidays

in order to infuse some fun into every day life i've started celebrating some of the lesser known holidays at work and at home.  the reaction from folks has been really positive so i wanted to share.
there is a lot of intensity in my department at work - it's the culture at our company & in order to combat that we take every opportunity to take a break and celebrate milestones on the team (birthdays, anniversaries, etc).  but last year i started noticing that there were some gaps in the celebrations and wanted to add a little more fun into our everyday.  i think i was watching the local news as i was getting ready and they mentioned a quirky holiday and that's when i got the thought to research some of those holidays and bring them into the office to celebrate.  i found this site that has them all listed out and i picked no more than 2 holidays per/month to try out.  one i do for my local team and the second we try to celebrate internationally.  below are some of the holidays i plan to celebrate with my team in the first quarter.  

january 16th - celebrate national hot tea month {local}
january 24th - compliment day {international}
february 7th - opening ceremonies of the winter olympics
february 10th - clean out your computer day {international}
february 14th - valentine's day {local}
february 17th - random acts of kindness day {international}
march 7th - employee appreciation day {local & international}
march 14th - national potato chip day {local}

but i didn't want to just have all of the fun at work ... so i've started doing some fun things at home to celebrate the silly holidays, too.  the kids love the chance to celebrate anything they can and even if our celebration only lasts 15 minutes it's a chance at capturing a memory. 

january 19th - national popcorn day
january 23 - national measure your feet day
february 1st - ice cream for breakfast day
february 2 - ground hog's day
february 7th - opening ceremonies of the winter olympics
february 14th - valentine's day
march 15th - incredible kid day
march 17th - st patrick's day
march 25th - waffle day

when you add it up it's actually a lot to do every month so if you're just starting out keep it small and easy - and if your employees or kids ask why we're celebrating just say it's just a random thing i wanted to try - that way you're not committing to too much.  this year i may try to get some of my other managers in on it too ... i also team up with some of my peers on some stuff {like the employee appreciation day - we can get a bigger group together and have a pizza or ice cream party}.  

the point is just to have fun ... and remind people to live in the moment.  

what are some of the fun holidays you celebrate with co-workers or with your kids?  


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